

Dear Silver Ridge Elementary families,


I was so happy to see so many of you at our Open House last Thursday! 


Tomorrow, September 4 is the first day of school for 1st - 5th grade! Kindergarten students will start on Monday, September 9.


What do you need to know for your 1st-5th graders for the first day? 


What time does school start and finish?

School starts at 9:00. We do not have supervision before 9:00, so please be sure to come at that time, or if your child walks or rides a bike, to please time their arrival for 9:00.


School dismisses at 3:25 every day this week. (This Thursday is the only Thursday that is dismissed at this time. After this week, students will dismiss at 3:25 M, T, W, and F, with Thursday being a 1:55 dismissal.)


For pick-up:

If you have more than one student, they will be with the youngest sibling.

Kindergarten students will be waiting at the lower field fence once they start on the 9th.


4th and 5th grade students with no younger siblings will be in front of Ridgetop with TEAM students.


I am including a parking lot map with expectations/procedures here for drop off and pick up. Please click on the link if you are driving your child to school.


Can I walk my student into to their class?

We ask that you say goodbye before students walk into the school for security reasons. We hope you understand. There will be several adults to help children find their classrooms!


What is the 1st Day Cafe that I saw on ParentSquare?

After you say goodbye to your child/ren, we hope you can join us for a coffee and light snack on the front field. It will be a great time to say hello to other parents, join PTA, ask any questions you may have of me or PTA and TAC, and/or just decompress after the first day of school morning!

If you would like to join us, please park at Ridgetop (RMS) and walk down.


Oops! I haven’t had a chance to donate the $35 supply money yet!

No worries! You can do that here. Thank you for helping to make our year great by allowing us to supply each student with what they need!


If your child is getting breakfast and/or lunch?

Breakfast and lunch is free this year because our school showed need from last year’s free and reduced lunch application process. Thank you in advance for filling out the application this year to see if we qualify for next year!


If your child would like breakfast: 

Please have them walk or drop them off at the front of the school to go through the front doors starting at 8:45 to get breakfast. Students will stay in the breakfast area until 9:00 when the doors open. Breakfast ends at 9:05


We will not have supervision for students before 9:00 unless they are eating breakfast. 


If your child would like school lunch:

They can order lunch with their teacher in the morning. If your child needs lunch and you know that they are going to be late, please call the office at 360-662-9500 and order a lunch for them. Check what's on the menu here.


What if I need to drop my child off before 9:00?

Please reach out to our before/after school program, Champions. You can find more information here: https://www.discoverchampions.com/our-locations/silverdale/wa/001105


Are there any communication updates I should know about?

Yes! We use a communication platform called Parent Square in conjunction with email, phone calls, and our Facebook page. 


Parent Square allows us to be able to: instantly share messages, updates, events, and photos. It’s simple and secure, and you can use it on any device. 


I look forward to our work together!



Tina Piper, Principal

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