Well, I welcomed you to February last week only to have a delay to that welcome! What a wild week! I hope you were able to enjoy some fun in the snow. We don't often have such cold temperature with moisture! If you haven't seen Dr. Prince's explanation of how snow days are determined, please check it out. The effort that goes into making sure our students, PK-12, get to and from school safely is significant!
Because of the snow days, our Eagle Soar awards will return next week.
Snow Make-up Day Plan
Pending school board approval, our snow day make-up plan is as follows:
Friday, February 14
Friday, March 7
Wednesday, June 18
Friday, June 20
Let's hope for no more inclement weather!
Report Card Update
Because we lost 4 days of school this last week, our students' report cards will go live on Power School on February 27. I will add directions on how to access the report cards as we get closer to that date. Just a reminder, they will be digital only and not sent home.
Parking lot safety (leaving this here for our return to regular programming!)
Last week I added the link to our drop off and pick up maps and expectations. Here are some bullet point on how to partner with us to keep students safe and traffic moving efficiently:
- If using the drop off/pick up loop, please stay in the car. Staff will help get students in and out of cars at the cones. If you would like to help your child, please park in the parking lot.
- Kindergarten and JSK pick up is at the lower field fence.
- Please do not pass on the wrong side on Hillsboro.
- If possible, having your child ready to exit the car during drop off and able to use the passenger side is helpful.
- Finally, pay extra close attention, go slow, and follow safety patrol/Xing guard direction.
Thank you for all that you do; together we do great things!
Tina Piper, Principal