
Success in school depends on regularity of attendance. Washington State law requires all children to attend school daily unless they are ill or there is an emergency in the family. 

Schools are required to act on any unexcused student absences through the court system.  If a child has five unexcused absences in one month or ten during the year, a petition must be filed with Kitsap County Courts. 

Absences are excused for the following:

  • Illness

  • Health care appointments

  • School-approved activities

  • Parental approved activities (such as vacations, visitation of relatives, etc.):A family vacation is only excused if there is prior written approval by the building principal and there is not a serious, adverse effect on the educational progress of the student

  • Religious reasons: The right of parents to determine when their child may be absent from public school in order to observe a religious holiday shall not be limited by school officials

Absences and Tardies

Students have a responsibility to attend school.  Regular and punctual class attendance is required.  Please schedule student appointments outside school hours whenever possible.

  • Students who arrive late and are not in their classroom by 9:10 a.m. must check in at the office and get a hall pass before going to class.

  • Parents must contact the school office before 9:30 a.m. the day of the absence or leave a message on the school’s voice mail.

  • When we do not hear from you, you will receive an automated phone call. Please call the office the clear up the absence.

  • If we have not hear from you after the automated phone call, we will try to verify your child’s absence by contacting you at home or work.

Late Arrivals/Early Dismissals 

Please call the office before 9:20 if your child is going to be late.  You may order a hot lunch if you call before 9:20. Please send a note to the teacher when picking up a student for an early dismissal.  The school will call your child to the office when you arrive.  Do not go to the classroom.  Parents  must sign students  out.  NO CHILD WILL BE DISMISSED FROM THE CLASSROOM.