Bad weather and other situations may result in changes to school or bus schedules. We will announce changes by 6:00 a.m. If you don't hear from us, it means schools and buses are operating normally.
Our Safety Process
Given the diverse microclimates across our 117-square-mile district, we cover all areas to get a complete picture of conditions. We also check in with the National Weather Service to verify forecasts.
Starting at 2:00 a.m.:
- Our transportation team drives roads across the district, testing brakes and acceleration, checking for ice and snow accumulation, and evaluating bridges and overpasses.
- We check with the county on snow removal and de-icing efforts.
Starting at 5:00 a.m.:
- Our facilities teams work on plowing and treating school parking lots and walkways to ensure safe access for staff, students, and families.
By 5:00 a.m.:
- Our district team meets to go over all the information and decide whether to open schools, delay the start time, or close for the day.
By 6:00 a.m.:
- Decision is shared with families and staff. If you don't hear from us, it means schools and buses are operating normally.
We've made changes to how we communicate about school closures or delays due to bad weather. We will contact families in the following ways:
Text Message
Please keep your phone number updated with your school. If you prefer a phone call and want to stop receiving text messages, text "STOP" to 66458.
Email to Families
Community members may also register for district news and alerts.
ParentSquare App Alert (optional for registered guardians)
District and School Websites
District Facebook Account
Landline Phone Call
If you have a landline, we will call you. Don't have a landline but still want to receive a call? If you prefer a phone call and want to stop receiving text messages, text "STOP" to 66458.
Please take a moment to review our troubleshooting guide and ensure your ParentSquare is up to date. If you need additional help, please complete this form.
Types of Schedule Changes
Depending on the situation, actions we take could include:
In some cases, preschool, out-of-district transportation, and after school student or community activities may be canceled.
How can I prepare my family?
We encourage you to make plans ahead of time so your child will have a safe place to stay if you are not at home. Be sure your child understands what to do if changes are made to school or bus schedules. It may help to write the answers down and keep them where your child can find them in an emergency.
What is the best route to and from a limited bus service stop?
Where could your child go if he or she needs help?
Who will care for your child until you arrive?
Is there someone your child could call if your child is scared?